(615) 538-0636

Counseling for Adults, Teens & Children


General FAQ's

  • What is your rate?
    Rates vary and are based on the counselor's level of education, license, experience and training. They range from $85 per hour to $205 per hour for licensed and experienced counselors.
  • Do you take insurance?
    Hopetree Counseling therapists are all private pay. Most clients use a Visa or Mastercard but cash or check is accepted. Clients who use their insurance apply for reimbursement from their carrier in the month following the appointment using the SuperBill accessible from Hopetree Counseling through the client portal.

    Whether or not you can receive reimbursement from your insurance provider depends on your plan. You will need to check with your provider as to how they treat out-of-network providers and reimbursement.. Clients using their insurance pay the full fee at the appointment and use a SuperBill provided by HopeTree Counseling to receive reimbursement (at their plan’s rate).

    If you want to use a counselor that is on your insurance, it will save you time and effort to contact your provider and request a list of their counselors. You can start with that list and narrow your selection from there.
  • Can I use my Flex Spending or Health Savings Account (“HSA”) to pay for counseling?
    It depends on the diagnosis. Check with your plan administrator for what is allowable.
  • What are your hours?
    Hours vary by counselor. However, generally speaking, HopeTree Counseling has counselors available every weekday from 8AM to 9PM.
  • Where is your office?
    The HopeTree Counseling office address is:
    3326 Aspen Grove Drive, Suite 275
    Franklin, TN 37067

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Appointment Cancelation Policy

  • What is the 24/48-hour cancelation policy?
    Basically, the therapist and client are agreeing to give each other at least 24-hour notice if one of them needs to cancel or reschedule an appointment (48-hour notice for 2-hour or longer sessions). This is the "Cancelation Policy." If the therapist doesn’t adhere to the Cancelation Policy, the next session is provided at no fee. I the client doesn’t adhere to the Cancelation Policy (and the appointment can't be filled with another client) the full fee is due for the missed appointment.
  • Why is there a 24/48-hour policy?
    The short answer is for mutual respect. The policy is part of the professional boundaries and essentially exists to protect the relationship. Both the therapist and the client make efforts to be at scheduled appointments. If one party disrespects that effort by canceling within the 24-hour window, the relationship will be in jeopardy.

    Sometimes the cancelations are unavoidable; like with illnesses or family emergencies. So the term “disrespect” doesn’t refer to missing an appointment or to the cause of the missed appointment. It refers to taking ownership. The policy is meant to keep the responsible party congruent with who actually takes responsibility for the missed appointment. It is not meant as punishment.

    In addition to protecting respect in the relationship, boundaries like the 24-hour policy protect the therapist’s capacity for compassion. The door is open for resentment and bitterness if a therapist or client is expected to absorb the consequences of the other’s inability (even if it isn’t their fault) to fulfill their commitment. The 24-hour policy keeps the consequences of not fulfilling the commitment with the one who failed to perform.

    Furthermore, counselors often have many other clients in their care who would use the appointment time, given adequate notice. They have a fiduciary responsibility to make themselves available to the active clients in their care. Counselors also need to make their practice sustainable.
  • Why isn’t the reason for giving less notice than the required amount of time considered?
    As stated above, the 24-hour policy isn’t meant to be punishment. If reasons were considered, the therapist would be in the position to judge the worthiness of the reason and enforcing the policy would be punitive for those without a "good enough" reason. Most clients have very good reason to cancel appointments within the 24-hour window. But the fact remains, regardless of the reason, a therapist is negatively affected by a client’s missed appointment. Alternatively, a client who arranged their schedule and emotionally prepared to be at an appointment is negatively affected if a therapist misses an appointment or cancels within the 24-hour window. We’re all responsible to take ownership of our own lives and the impact our situation has on others. So the policy is not meant to punish, but rather protect the relationship by keeping both the therapist and client responsible for their own lives.
  • Why can’t the therapist make exceptions?
    If a therapist makes exceptions, they run the risk of appearing to discriminate. Also, as mentioned above, if the therapist is in the position of judge (either of the reason or frequency for example), the policy becomes a punitive one which it is not meant to be. The policy really just asks “Who’s life situation caused the 24-hour violation.” Whoever’s life situation did, is responsible for the consequences. These are healthy boundaries to which we all should adhere. The policy remains objective and non-discriminatory when applied without exceptions.
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The Counseling Process

  • How do we get started?
    Send a message or call the HopeTree Counseling office at (615) 538-0636.

    In your voicemail or message, state what type of counseling you're looking for and the day(s) and/or part(s) of the day that work best for you.
  • For couples, why do you want both partners there at the first session?
    The bulk of the sessions are done with the couple together in the room. We've found with couple counseling that it has the greatest chance for success if both partners start at the same time. One reason is it creates neutral ground for both people. So when we work with a couple, we like to have the first session with them together and then after that have an individual session with each person (to get some background) before returning to couple sessions.
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“I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn’t know.”
Mark Twain